Frank and Matilda Schmidt

Matilda (Bleich) Schmidt and children Matilda and Ann Schmidt
Left: Matilda (Bleich) Schmidt and children Ann and Otto (back) and ???? (front)
Right: Matilda and Ann Schmidt

Frank Schmidt and his wife Mahilda, daughter of Karl and Wilhelmeina Bleich, emmigrated to the U.S. from Germany in 1912 (possibly from the city of Osterweick), along with their children: Otto, Anne, and ????. They traveled with Mathilda's parents, who emmigrated at the same time.

Probably Frank and Matilda settled in Great Falls, Montana, as the picture above was taken at a studio in Great Falls. Frank apparently died young, as the children of their Leistiko cousins remember only "Aunt" Matilda, and she never remarried.

Frank and Matilda had only the three children:

Otto SchmidtBorn in Hanover, Germany, on May 28, 1899.
Ann SchmidtBorn in 19??
???? SchmidtBorn in 19??

Ann Schmidt Ann Schmidt
Ann Schmidt

This page was first published September 9, 2001, and was last revised September 9, 2001. If you have comments, corrections or additional information or pictures you would like to contribute, feel free to contact Dave Nims.